Louie Waist Pack Fabric KIT - Tula Pink Nightshade DejaVu - 1.5”buckle and webbing - MEDIUM - With Printed pattern by Uh Oh Creations - Sample by Tara Horst

Regular price $75.00

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 PKQ GRAB & SEW KIT Includes:

 Uh Oh Creations Printed paper pattern  

KIT a will make the MEDIUM or SMALL size 

 YOU can CHOOSE the SIZE of your WEBBING & Buckle in our drop down MENU


4 FQ fabrics (Tula Pink Nightshade DejaVu)

50” fabric B&W striped bias binding 

1 m  fold over elastic for optional binding (By Annies)

1 - D ring rainbow (Emmaline Bags)

35” B&W striped #5 zipper tape and 3 #5 rainbow zipper pulls 

20” EB fuse light (lining) (Emmaline Bags)

10” x 22” EB fuse medium (outside pieces) (Emmaline Bags)

1  side release rainbow buckle(KATZ Bag Bling)

2  yard  Jacquard webbing (KATZ Bag Bling)

7x12” mesh (By Annies)